As you become more comfortable with blogging it is now time to assess your work. Your first assignment for the second six-week grading period is pretty simple. Blog about your day at the Texas State Fair (if you choose to go on Fair Day). Your blog entry should include a complete description using at 25 adjectives that helps the reader, in this case me, gain a better knowledge of your day be involving all of my senses. I need to be able to visualize your day through the adjectives you choose describe each event. If you do not go to the State Fair on Monday, I still need you to give an account of your day's events with the same approach. We talked about adjectives and sequence of events so the blog should be fairly simple.

As you write, don't forget to use your sequencing words:
After that,
After (previous subject),
Following (previous subject),
Once that was done,
Once we finished,
When we finished,
When that was over,
At 2:00,
In the car,
During the show,
Upon returning home,
Have some fun with this and happy blogging.
Due by 4:00 pm Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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