Friday, October 30, 2009

Dream Makers vs. Dream Breakers... A program with a REAL Message!

Today you witnessed a truly inspirational presentation about understanding what it took to be a Champion and how to live that life every day. Mr. Lowery, of Commandos! USA presented a notion to us after demonstrating his amazing strength, and that idea was about differentiating between a Dream Maker and a Dream Breaker. In your blog response today, I would like for you to express yourselves openly in regards to this idea. Include these thoughts in your response:

1. What is the difference between a Dream Maker and a Dream Breaker?
2. In which category do you fall?
3. What personal experiences have you had with either Dream Makers and/or Dream Breakers?
4. How can you either change from a Dream Breaker to a Dream Maker or what example can you set, including what things you can do that will encourage yourself while influencing others to hang out with Dream Makers or become one themselves.

Don't hesitate to put yourself in a vulnerable position with this entry. This is our moment to understand who we are and as it was said, you are fearfully and wonderful made. That means, you are a Masterpiece and no outside labels should be able to convince you any differently.

Happy Blogging!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

If I Were Astro Boy...

There will not be a reading blog this week. Hold your applause, instead you will concentrate on your creative writing piece regarding Astro Boy. You are to watch the video, (a larger version available on our media website) and then respond by creating an adventure as if you were Astro Boy saving the world. The idea is to be the actual creation and come up with the mechanical devices that would be apart of your framework. Anything from extra strength in some form, rockets on your feet, to super breath; anything goes as long as each item has a purpose in helping defeat all odds in saving the world. The movie clip is to serve as you inspiration as you begin to write. Each story must:

1. Have a beginning, middle, and end.
2. Involve an antagonistic villian that is trying to destroy Earth.
3. Contain two additional characters that aid in the quest.

The adventures will be submitted as a blog entry and must have an illustration of the main character posted as well.

The best story, as voted on by your peers (may include some 5th graders from other classes), will receive two (2) movie passes to see Astro Boy at the AMC Theatres. The best illustration will also be decided by peer vote and the winner will receive the same prize.

Questions to ponder while writing:

What is my main idea?
What is the setting of my adventure?
What adjectives will help the reader visualize my adventure?
Who are the characters involved and in what manner do they affect the story?
What is the conflict?
Why is their conflict?
When does this all happen?

Just a few questions to get your story web started. Have fun with this. You have until Wednesday, October 28 to complete this assignment.

Happy Adventuring!

Here is another clip to inspire you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tearing Off The Labels: Assignment #2

I notice that many of you are having a ton of fun being creative with the Tearing Off the Labels lesson. However, it's time to move on, so you need to get serious about finishing your project and getting it posted on your blog. So, here are the directions given on Tuesday to guide you in completing your work.

1. Finish your "Tearing Off The Labels" music.
2. Write lyrics to fit your music that deals with tearing off YOUR labels.
3. Place your music in a blog and write your lyrics as a new post and publish so others can listen to your music and read your song at the same time. (Go to and click on tutorials if you don't remember how to do this. Title your new post: Tearing Off My Labels Song
4. Read other entries posted by your classmates and make a comment on at least 2 blogs. (make sure your comments are appropriate and positive)

Also, don't forget to add to the sidebar of your blog and "follow" my blog in order for you to make sure you get the assignments when they are posted.

Along with that, for your listening pleasure, I have added the Reality Ride and Defense Mechanism songs to my blog. So enjoy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tearing Off The Labels: Assignment #1

This blogging assignment involves the lesson on Tearing Off Labels. Use our discussion and your own personal thoughts to create a blog entry that includes your responses to the following:

Is there a downside to having labels?
What are some things other people like about you?
What are some things that you like about yourself?
What are some labels you have been given (Positive or negative)?
Why do you think you might have been given those labels?
If you live up to your negative labels, where do you think they might get you?
If you live up to your positive labels, where might they get you?

Please be careful and not just list answers to the questions above. Instead create a explanation written in a casual conversational tone that includes your answers to the questions. If you want to listen to the label song while you blog to give you ideas of how to answer these questions, or provide ideas for your song that will eventually go along with this assignment, you can click the media player to your right.

Happy Blogging!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Was That Really Fair? Assignment #1 2nd 6-Week

As you become more comfortable with blogging it is now time to assess your work. Your first assignment for the second six-week grading period is pretty simple. Blog about your day at the Texas State Fair (if you choose to go on Fair Day). Your blog entry should include a complete description using at 25 adjectives that helps the reader, in this case me, gain a better knowledge of your day be involving all of my senses. I need to be able to visualize your day through the adjectives you choose describe each event. If you do not go to the State Fair on Monday, I still need you to give an account of your day's events with the same approach. We talked about adjectives and sequence of events so the blog should be fairly simple.
As you write, don't forget to use your sequencing words:

After that,
After (previous subject),
Following (previous subject),
Once that was done,
Once we finished,
When we finished,
When that was over,
At 2:00,
In the car,
During the show,
Upon returning home,

Have some fun with this and happy blogging.

Due by 4:00 pm Tuesday, October 6, 2009